10 of the best independently licensed financial planning practices around Australia were invited to attend with BT a trip to the USA. The Barron’s top 100 Hall of Fame USA advisers conference was being held in Palm Beach Florida and we were granted access to this very special event. Insightful to hear from the best of the best on their viewpoint on the US and the World and financial planning generally.

The tour then moved on to New York and conducted a number of company visits, the majority of which were the largest investment companies in the world such as BlackRock, State Street, Invesco, Capital Group etc. and other non-financial of note such as Amazon.

Apart from all the information gathering sessions it was spending time with a group of top investment professionals and business owners that provided value from the trip over to the US. It was great to see the American economy in strong shape, somewhat similar to Australia (although a minor recession looks to be coming their way in early 2023 which we should avoid here in Australia).

Brad Stewart